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A. Ruggeri,O. Stancio,M. Pelz, A. Gopnik, E. Schulz, (2024). Preschoolers search longer when there is more information to be gained. Developmental Science, 27, 1. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13411
Goddu, M.K., Gopnik, A. The development of human causal learning and reasoning. Nature Reviews Psychology 3, 319–339 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44159-024-00300-5
N. Vasil, M. Srinivasan, M. E. Ellwood-Lowe, S. Delaney, A. Gopnik, T. Lombrozo. (2024). Structural explanations lead young children and adults to rectify resource inequalities, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
R. Zhu, & A. Gopnik (2024). Preschoolers and adults metonymically extend proper names to owned objects. Child Development, 95(1), 177-190.
R. Zhu, H. Pitchick, T. Nduku, J. Engelmann, L. Fernald, A. Gopnik. (2024). The development of picture comprehension across early environments: Evidence from urban and rural toddlers in Western Kenya. In press at Developmental Science