A. Gopnik, W. Frankenhuis & M. Tomasello (eds.) (accepted) Life history and learning Special Issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
M. Goddu, T. Lombrozo, & A. Gopnik. (In press). Transformations and transfer: Preschool children understand abstract relations and reason analogically in a causal task. Child Development.
M. Goddu, & A. Gopnik. Learning what to change: Young children use ‘difference-making’ to identify causally relevant variables. (in press.), Developmental Psychology
E. Liquin & A. Gopnik. Learning from approach-avoid decisions: Children explore and learn more than adults. Under review.
A. Gopnik. Childhood as a solution to explore-exploit tensions. (Under revision). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B)
E. Bonawitz, C. Walker, J. Abbot, & A. Gopnik. Preschoolers search semantic networks in a broader and more variable way than adults: Implications for hypothesis generation. Under revision, Cognition.
D. Buchsbaum,; E. C. Tecwyn; A. Whalen, E.M. Messer; E.L.F. Bryant, T. L. Griffiths, Griffiths, A. Gopnik, A.M. Seed, Children, but not capuchins, rationally integrate social and physical information when deciding which actions to copy. Under revision, Psychological Science
N. Vasilyeva, M. Srinivasan, M. E Ellwood-Lowe, S. Delaney, A. Gopnik, & T. Lombrozo Structural explanations lead young children and adults to rectify resource inequalities. Under revision, Child Development.
Z. C. Irving, V. Pinter, A. Gopnik, and C. Sripada. What Does “Mind-Wandering” Mean To the Folk? An Empirical Investigation. Under revision. Cognitive Science
A. Ruggeri, C. Walker, T. Lombrozo and A. Gopnik. Effects of scaffolding on the type and informativeness of preschoolers’ questions. Submitted.
E. Schulz , M. Pelz, A. Gopnik. A. Ruggeri Preschoolers search longer when there is more information to be gained. Submitted.
C. Walker, J. Walker , & A. Gopnik. Toddlers Generalize Abstract Representations of Same and Different. Submitted.